

blake applegate
choir director

Blake Applegate is the Director of Cantores in Ecclesia, assuming leadership of the organization upon the retirement of his father, Dean Applegate, in the spring of 2010. Prior to his appointment as Director, Blake served as Assistant Director, conducting the adult and children’s choirs not only locally but while on tour in Europe. A highly respected singer as well as choral director, he has sung widely throughout the Portland metropolitan area with groups such as Capella Romana, the Trinity Consort and the Portland Baroque Orchestra. For over a decade he has been a member of the Schola Cantorum at Holy Rosary Church, where he serves as principal cantor for the parish. He and his wife, professional musician Anna Song, are the parents of two and deeply committed to the musical education and training of children and young adults.


Anna song
choir director

Anna Song has been directing choirs and teaching music in the Portland area since moving to Oregon in 2001. She holds a B.A. in composition from UCLA, an M.M in Choral Conducting from Yale University, and an Ed.D in Music Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She has studied with Dennis Keene at the Keenefest Choral Institute and has appeared at the Oregon Bach Festival as a conducting fellow with Helmuth Rilling. Dr. Song is currently Associate Professor of Music at Linfield College where she serves as the Director of Choral Activities. A lover of early music, she is also Co-founder and Artistic Director of In Mulieribus, a professional women's vocal ensemble that has presented its own concert series in Portland for over a decade.